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2024 Hurricane Helene


Hurricane Helene was a monster storm, one of the biggest on record to hit the U.S. It made landfall as a Category 4 storm near Perry, Florida on Sept. 26, bringing devastating, widespread impacts across Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas and beyond.
Since 1988, only three Gulf hurricanes have been bigger than Helene, which had a huge wind field covering much of the coast of Florida. When the impact is so widespread, it taps the resources of all affected municipalities and tribes, and even the states, so they can’t rely on each other for support. This means external support will be needed for recovery.
In addition to wreaking havoc across Florida, the storm’s impact extended deep inland, causing flood and wind damage well beyond the coastal areas, including Georgia, Tennessee, the southern Appalachians, the Carolinas and the Southeast. These communities have faced other disasters in recent years, including tornadoes, flooding and storms.
Photo: Tropical Storm Helene over the Caribbean Sea, Sept. 24, 2024. Photo via: NOAA

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