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CDP Turkey & Syria Earthquake Recovery Fund


CDP’s Turkey & Syria Earthquake Recovery Fund supports earthquake-affected families and communities as they work to rebuild and recover.

On Feb. 6, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurred in southern Turkey near the northern border of Syria. Approximately nine hours later, a magnitude 7.5 earthquake shook the area around 59 miles (95 kilometers) to the southwest. Dozens of large aftershocks have also occurred in both countries.

The earthquake was the most devastating to hit earthquake-prone Turkey in more than 20 years and was as strong as the 1939 quake, the most powerful recorded there. Additionally, Syria’s current complex humanitarian emergency is among the world’s largest humanitarian crises, and the earthquake will only exacerbate its challenges and vulnerabilities.

CDP’s Turkey & Syria Earthquake Recovery Fund provides targeted grantmaking that prioritizes needs identified in collaboration with local partners.

With an intersectional racial equity lens and an emphasis on medium- and long-term recovery, CDP works to identify gaps in recovery funding to help direct financial and technical support where it is needed most.

Currently, we know that shelter, protection, cash assistance and health care will be sorely needed in the weeks and months ahead. These issues are of particular importance due to the snow and near-freezing conditions that pose serious risks to people in earthquake-affected areas.

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