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Hurricane Ian


GEM BStrong has been on the ground in Florida’s west coast since day one of Hurricane Ian’s landfall. We are giving our donors and supporters an overview of our methods and systems for this devastating tragedy.

Our Global Headquarters are based just 2.5 hours away from the region. This gives us a tremendous advantage to supply continuous aid flow to the entire affected areas.

GEM BStrong has already sent six full size semi trucks with $362,550 in aid, and have committed an initial $2.5 million and 50 semi-truck loads through October/November 2022.

Our long-standing partners, Good360, Amazon and hundreds of American companies donate the necessary supplies to us. We also amass local community drive supplies from the entire country.

GEM is the official partner of Miami-Dade County and multiple municipalities. We are also working in tandem with the Florida Division of Emergency Management supporting local shelters.

Our thoughts and prayers are with those individuals impacted by this devastating storm. As a Florida-based organization, many of our friends, families, and supporters are equally impacted. We are humbled by the outpouring of support and honored to be able to help.

You can follow our efforts on the official webpage and on our social, and if you would like to support our work, please consider a donation for the efforts here.

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