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2024 North American Wildfires


Airlink has extensive experience working with our relief partners to mitigate the consequences of wildfires. Airlink assists in transporting cargo, and skilled responders provide specialized services like clean-up, structure assessments, personal effects recovery, and ash-sifting services for residents whose properties have been devastated. These efforts are critical for helping individuals salvage what remains of their homes and begin the process of rebuilding their lives.

Airlink is currently supporting recovery efforts following the:
- Jasper wildfires: Airlink is coordinating with regional humanitarian, logistics, and airline partners to assess the primary needs and response capabilities and will continue to monitor the situation to best support partners’ responses.
- Western US Wildfires: Airlink is responding to the wildfires in Oregon, Washington, and New Mexico and has a preliminary request from a partner who provides services for children and may be responding to the wildfires in Nevada and California.

Airlink's past wildfire response history includes:
- February 2024 Texas panhandle wildfires
- August 2023 wildfires in Maui, HI.
- June 2023 wildfires in Nova Scotia, Quebec, and British Columbia
- September 2021 Britsh Columbia wildfires

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