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International Rescue Committee - Des Moines, IA


The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is one of the leading providers of services for refugees, asylees and asylum seekers, victims of trafficking and other vulnerable immigrants in cities across the United States. Over the last 40 years, the IRC has helped settle nearly 400,000 refugees from 120 countries.

In Des Moines and other U.S. cities, we provide an array of services aimed at helping clients survive, reclaim control of their future and strengthen their communities, such as:

- Resettlement: Meeting the basic needs for food, shelter, and legal rights in the early, critical stages of resettlement

- Economic Empowerment: Protecting, supporting, and improving household livelihoods and financial security

- Community Integration and Development: Strengthening communities and preparing individuals to participate fully in American society

- Health and Wellness: Promoting wellness and ensuring access to healthcare services that address physical and psychological needs

- Children, Youth and Education: Providing educational and developmental opportunities that build the essential academic, personal, and social skills needed to succeed

Your support of IRC Des Moines gives a gift that helps refugees rebuild their lives and enrich the fabric of our community.

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