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Doctors Without Borders: Support Our Lifesaving Work in Over 70 Countries Around the World

của Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is only able to act independently, without restrictions, in response to a crisis thanks to independent funding. Unrestricted, general support is especially important as it enables MSF to launch emergency programs and carry out its mission of conducting relief programs based entirely on need

Our financial independence ensures that the aid we provide is not used to further any government’s political or military goals. Most of our funding comes from small donations, and 98 percent of the money we raised globally in 2023 came from individual donors and private institutions. MSF USA does not accept any government funding.

Most of the 70+ countries where we work have long-term needs. That's why MSF maintains a presence in so many places—so that when emergencies strike, we can be ready. And it's why unrestricted, unearmarked funding is critical to our work: It gives us the steady support we need to act quickly in an emergency, and wherever the need is greatest.

Please support our General Fund and become part of our global movement to provide urgently needed medical care to those most in need.

Photo Credits: Nigeria 2023 © Abba Adamu Musa/MSF

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