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Doctors Without Borders: Strengthen Local Health Systems with MSF Academy

của Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

About 90 percent of Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) staff are from the communities where they work. But many of these countries grapple with critical shortages of qualified nurses and other health staff. To strengthen the skills of frontline healthcare professionals, the MSF Academy for Healthcare is providing accredited courses and professional development opportunities to locally hired medical staff.

Courses designed for nurses, doctors, and paramedical staff offer intensive, hands-on training combined with an MSF-developed curriculum, clinical mentoring, and tutoring. Some of the courses provide graduates with certificates from MSF and the Ministry of Health, while others offer postgraduate diplomas from partner universities.

MSF Academy has been extraordinarily successful: Over 1,000 healthcare workers have already graduated and an additional 1,000 staff from over 35 countries are currently enrolled in an MSF Academy course. Please take a moment to read some of their inspiring stories. Not only is MSF Academy improving quality of care at our facilities, it sets the stage for the long-term sustainability of medical care.

Please support this project to help strengthen local health systems.

Photo Credit: South Sudan 2023 © Alicia Gonzalez/MSF

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