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Support UNICEF USA’s K.I.N.D. Fund


In Malawi, over half of all students' classrooms have no desks or chairs. Education is transformative, yet many children in Malawi face daily barriers that make learning a challenge. The K.I.N.D. (Kids in Need of Desks) Fund addresses these obstacles by equipping classrooms with desks and offering scholarships to Malawian girls.

The K.I.N.D. Fund helps ambitious young women continue their educations by providing scholarships for all four years of secondary school. The scholarship package includes tuition, room and board, transportation and everything a girl needs to succeed — uniforms, school supplies, menstrual hygiene products, even teaching materials for classroom use.

Since its launch in 2010, the program has delivered over 385,000 desks to primary students, reaching more than 1.5 million learners. It has also supported nearly 28,650 schoolgirls with scholarships to complete their secondary education. Schools report increased attendance, higher retention among girls and improved participation.

Your support for the K.I.N.D. Fund can help students in Malawi learn, thrive and pursue their dreams.

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