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Americares Responding: Kentucky Flooding


Severe flooding in Kentucky and neighboring states has left at least 14 people dead, turned entire neighborhoods into lakes and caused widespread devastation.

The latest round of torrential rains has drenched communities that are still reeling from the devastating 2022 floods in the region, further straining local health care systems. Many clinics are facing significant disruptions due to the severe weather, leaving patients without essential health services and putting the health of already at-risk populations in jeopardy.

Americares emergency response teams are currently responding to requests for urgent aid from our local partners. Americares is preparing to ship hygiene kits, first aid items, cleaning supplies and other critically needed items to clinic partners located in the path of the flooding. Americares is also prepared to provide emergency funding to help restore health services for low-income and uninsured residents in affected communities.

We need your support. Donate today to fuel our lifesaving efforts in Kentucky, and during other disasters in the U.S. and around the globe.

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