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Resilience Fund Support During Trying Times


While Americares is predominantly privately funded, our work supporting health care for tens of thousands of people in countries including Colombia, El Salvador and Tanzania was contingent on federal funding that we will likely not receive this year.

To ensure that we can continue to deliver on our mission for millions of people in the U.S. and around the world during this uncertain time, we have launched a 2025 Resilience Fund.

Your donation to the Resilience Fund will help our team and the millions of people who rely on Americares for vital medicines, programs and aid and reestablish that health is essential for all.

Please consider supporting Americares 2025 Resilience Fund today.

Americares stands by our mission to help people and communities around the world access health in times of disaster and every day. We remain dedicated to providing essential health services and supporting those in need. However, our people, programs and partners are significantly affected by the current instability in the humanitarian aid sector, resulting in the loss of tens of millions of dollars to Americares today and in future years.

Your support is vital to our team and the millions of people who rely on Americares for essential medicines, programs and aid. This fund will help ensure that Americares remains a leader in providing access to health for people affected by poverty and disaster now, and in the future.

Thank you to our committed community of supporters. Together we can continue to deliver lifesaving relief for millions around the world.

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