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Hurricane Milton | Children's Emergency Fund


Hurricane Milton made landfall on Florida’s Gulf Coast on October 9, 2024, causing severe winds, flooding and widespread damage. The storm also caused hundreds of tornadoes to form across Florida and left over 3 million people without power.

Save the Children will work with communities and partners for as long as it takes to help families return to a sense of normalcy.

To help communities rebuild, Save the Children will be:

• Distributing essential items, such as hygiene kits, cleaning supplies, diapers and more
• Providing emergency grants to damaged child care centers and other places of learning to ensure they can reopen, so families can get back to work and children are safe
• Protecting the well-being of children and caregivers through mental health and psychosocial support programs and training
Following the devastation caused by both Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton, communities are in desperate need of support as they begin the long road to recovery.

Donate now to the Children’s Emergency Fund to help us prepare, respond and support long-term recovery efforts in the wake of disasters in the U.S.

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