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Support Kids Affected by the Papua New Guinea Landslide | Children's Emergency Fund


In May 2024, a massive landslide and rockfall hit Yambali village within the Enga Province of Papua New Guinea. The event caused mass devastation in the area, with the United Nations estimating almost 700 people, as well as at least 150 homes are buried up to 26 feet in soil and rock.

Search and rescue efforts are underway but severely constrained due to limited resources and access in the remote area, as well as the continued threat of additional landslides and falling boulders. The landslide has also wiped out the village’s agriculture and sources of clean water, further threatening the lives and livelihoods of children and families in the area.

Save the Children is currently working to provide impacted families with essential items, including hygiene and shelter kits, and will support children whose schools have been affected by the landslides. Please consider supporting our Children’s Emergency Fund, which allows our organization to effectively respond to global crises, including those caused by environmental disasters like the landslide in Papua New Guinea.

With your support, Save the Children is there before, during and after an emergency. Working together, we help communities become more resilient so that each time a crisis happens, they are stronger, more likely to survive, and recover more quickly. Your support today helps make this possible.

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