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Responding to Nigeria’s Humanitarian Crisis


More than 2.5 million people in Nigeria are in need of humanitarian assistance – 60 per cent of which are children – and are at increased risk of waterborne diseases, drowning and malnutrition due to the most severe flooding in the past decade. The floods, which have affected 34 out of the 36 states in the country, have displaced 1.3 million people.

To date, Save the Children has launched a response in Yobo and Borno State, including through the provision of cash assistance, the distribution of hygiene and WASH kits and child protection services alongside our existing cholera response. With additional support, Save the Children can scale up its response in other states to provide activities such as distribution of essential supplies and food, delivery of nutrition services, provision of water purification tablets and sanitation supplies and child protection services.

Save the Children, alongside local and national partners, has been delivering humanitarian and development programming in Nigeria since 2001 to ensure all children survive, learn and are protected

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