Projekt celu
Deliver Warmth and Joy This Giving Tuesday
przez US Association for UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency)Giving Tuesday is an international day of kindness when people all around the world come together to give love and support to families in need — including refugee and displaced families.
Before the snow falls and the wind turns bitterly cold, you can help raise enough critical funds to protect displaced families. Your support ensures that families have what they need to stay warm and dry.
- $23 can provide a heater to keep an Afghan family warm
- $70 can provide a thermal kit to help families in Ukraine stay warm
- $100 can provide urgent medical care for Sudanese people seeking safety in Egypt
- $120 can support a refugee in Syria with a cash grant to cover their basic needs
Jak działają darowizny
Kliknij przycisk Przekaż darowiznę, a następnie wybierz kwotę darowizny. Nastąpi przekierowanie do wybranego procesora płatności. Po przetworzeniu darowizny zostanie ona przekazana wybranej instytucji charytatywnej.
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