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Stop Horrific Violence Against Older Women

작성자 HelpAge USA

Older women in Kenya have been accused of being witches, ultimately causing their deaths. Such brutal killings target widows and are often related to patriarchal beliefs that women and girls should not inherit land and other property. After being labeled as witches, women become vulnerable targets for attacks and murder. Allegations may come from family members who want control of a widow’s property. Interventions supported by HelpAge have contributed towards a substantial reduction in these killings by training paralegal advisors in rural communities.

Our advocacy work is crucial to ensure that older women who are the victims of stereotyping, abuse, and violence, can reclaim their rights and have healthy, safe, and secure lives. Your donation can help ensure that this work continues.

HelpAge USA is a non-profit that sees a world in which the contributions of older people are recognized, and there is no age limit on the opportunity for a healthy, safe, and secure life.

HelpAge USA champions the dignity and potential of older people around the world. We work with HelpAge Global Network partners in over 80 countries to provide disaster assistance. Facilitate health care. Help end discrimination and violence. Develop pathways to income security. And we conduct research and advocate for the inclusion of older people in policies and programs that typically overlook them.

All contributions will support HelpAge USA’s general purposes and special projects as HelpAge USA determines from time to time. HelpAge USA is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization (EIN/tax ID number: 271071179). Your donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.

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