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Support Children's Education Programs in South Carolina


We believe all children in rural South Carolina should have a healthy, strong foundation to thrive as learners and in life, and Save the Children is committed to delivering scalable solutions to the challenges children and their families face. We bring together community leaders through our community impact work, rallying around a shared vision and goals for children.

Save the Children’s Signature Programs

-Early Steps to School Success home visiting programming empowers parents to be their child’s first and most important teacher, building language, social and emotional development, and math skills.

-Our School-Age Education Programs, offered during and after school, help K–5
th graders improve their reading and math skills, striving for proficiency by the end of third grade for literacy and fifth grade for math. Our SummerSpark program helps children from low-income families maintain the gains they made in the classroom when school is not in session.

-Our Community Impact work supports rural communities to establish, sustain, and scale cross-sector partnerships seeking community-wide improvement on early learning outcomes through changes to practices, policies, and systems. These local partnerships collectively contribute to improve kindergarten readiness, 3rd grade reading, and 5th grade math for children in rural communities.

In 2023, we partnered with 24 schools across 8 counties in South Carolina, providing early learning programs and resources to over 44,000 children.

By supporting Save the Children's work in South Carolina, you can help ensure all children can build a strong educational foundation.

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