
Act Now: Children's Lives are at Risk


The latest dramatic cuts to U.S. foreign assistance are catastrophic. These cuts effectively terminate funding for hundreds of Save the Children programs globally, threatening the lives of millions of children. These changes drastically transform the outlook for the 1 in 11 children around the world whose lives depend on the health care, nutrition, education and protection we have helped provide for over 100 years.

For communities receiving humanitarian aid, this support is a matter of life or death. For example, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, we will be forced to close 92 health
clinics that provide care to over 200,000 people.

Save the Children is continuing critical progams that save lives and alleviate suffering for children and families caught in some of the worst humanitarian crises. Your support can make a difference in the lives of children whose futures are under threat.

While private dollars cannot replace public funding, we can and must do more to help children in need. We always adapt to change, and recent cuts in foreign aid do not change that. Millions of children depend on aid and we will continue to fight
for them.

Give to the Children’s Emergency Fund to support children and families around the world.

