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CARE - Winterization in Emergencies


The rapid onset of winter creates a new sense of urgency to meet the needs of people in ongoing humanitarian crises, from natural disasters to brutal wars and massive displacement. In these most fragile contexts, winters have become more unpredictable, starting earlier and lasting longer, with temperatures plunging to unprecedented lows. The most vulnerable people - children, women, the elderly - are even more at risk during the winter months. Families do not have any means to keep themselves warm – no suitable clothes, no blankets, no heating. Many tents and other temporary shelters are old and dilapidated, offering little refuge from heavy rains and snow, harsh winds, and freezing temperatures.

CARE is already providing lifesaving aid in Afghanistan, Armenia, Morocco, Syria, Türkiye, and Ukraine. However, funding is scarce, and we need additional support to meet the basic needs of those in these ongoing humanitarian crises. With additional funding, we could provide:
• Winterization kits (blankets, mattresses, sleeping bags, hats, socks, etc.), shelter repair items, and hygiene kits (soap, shampoo, menstrual pads, baby wipes, toilet paper, etc.) to 1,450 households – about 7,250 people – in Morocco.
• Emergency food packages for 500 displaced people (prioritizing women, children, and elderly) in Armenia, along with blankets and warm clothes for 2,500 people. Also, CARE will provide vital equipment and supplies to emergency shelters, creating a safer environment, particularly for women and girls.
• Emergency cash assistance to help 6,400 households in Afghanistan cover their heating needs this winter.
• Multi-purpose cash assistance and vouchers to 4,420 earthquake-affected households in Türkiye, along with shelter-specific support (tarps, plastic sheeting, rope, etc.) to 700 households.
• Tent repairs for 28,470 households in Northeast Syria, where internally displaced people have endured brutal conditions in last-resort settlements for years. Also, CARE will provide 3,607 children’s winter clothing kits (jackets, sweaters, boots, gloves, etc.) in emergency camps, along with 16,866 family winter clothing kits (for six household members) in all Raqqa collective centers and informal settlements.

Gifts of all sizes can make the difference between life and death, suffering and hope. For example, a tarpaulin costs only $13 per sheet, a winter clothing kit for a child costs $19, a winter clothing kit for a family of six costs $130, a winterized tent for a family of five costs $500, and a wood, gas, or electric stove/heater (depending on fuel sources available) costs $500.

Families in ongoing humanitarian crises cannot survive a brutal winter without support from generous donors.

Please join us in this effort.

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